Submitted by nachcinformatics on
NACHC agrees that the Observation Data Class must be clarified to contain categories of observations much in the way that SDOH contains multiple data classes and is cross-cutting. We support the comment developed with HL7 below:
Observations (General) - [New Data Class]
HL7 notes that the distinction between the new Observations data class and other data classes such as Laboratory and Vital Signs, is unclear considering Laboratory Test Results are categorized as Observations, as are Vital Signs. HL7 suggests that Vital Signs and Laboratory Test Results are included under Observations as references and also as specific data elements that are listed under Observations. This approach would provide greater clarity regarding to which other data classes they would apply.
Submitted by dshekhar18 on
Observation class - Surgical Observation (new data element)
New data element in Observation class.
Surgical Observation in used in Oncology (Cancer Related Surgical Procedures) to document lymph nodes, sample nodes, positive nodes and date etc. Surgical Observation is also used to document additional post-operative or post- procedural observations.