
NCPDP Comment

Support of the UDI-DI will be available in the NCPDP SCRIPT Standard Version 2017071 and the NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version F2. Today, these numbers are reformatted to support the field size limitations.

New Comment -Section I – U Defining a Globally Unique Device

Please make the following changes:

1.Please add row for  “Implementation” and add “IEEE 11073 PHD Harmonization Pattern for Unique Device Identifiers”. The remaining fields are the same as for HL7 Harmonization…

NCPDP - Comment

Add the following:

Type-Implementation Specification

Standard Implementation/Specification- NCPDP Product Identifiers Standard Implementation Guide Version 1.4

Standards Process Maturity – Final

Implementation Maturity- Production

Adoption Level – 3

Federally Required – No

Cost – $

Test Tool Availability – No

NCPDP Product Identifiers Standard IG recommendation

Thank you for your comment.  Can you please provide additional information about this IG, including a link to the actual IG for reference and information?

NCPDP Response

The NCPDP Product Identifiers Standard Implementation Guide is intended to define, clarify, and ensure continuity of the Product Identification Codes for drugs and other items used in the healthcare marketplace to meet the needs within the healthcare industry including but not limited to payers, providers and patients. You must be an NCPDP member to access the standards.