
CDC/NCHS Updates and Retirement of the v2 and CDA standards


HL7® FHIR® Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting Implementation Guide: Type: Implementation Specification #1: Standards Process Maturity: Balloted Draft, #2: Implementation Maturity: Pilot, #3: Adoption Level: Low, #4: Federally Required: No, #5: Cost: Free, #6: Test Tool Availability: No

The following can be removed from the “Limitations, Dependencies, and Preconditions for Consideration” section:

In 2019, the Division for Vital Statistics at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) started focusing their standards development on FHIR®. In May 2020 the drafting of a Birth and Fetal Death Reporting FHIR® implementation guide was initiated and will be balloted in January 2021. This work is sponsored under the HL7® Public Health Work Group.

The V2 test tools listed above are found under "Tool scope: Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death v 2.6 Testing Tool."

The IHE specification tool is supported by the CDA and V2.6 testing tools

The following can be added to the “Limitations, Dependencies, and Preconditions for Consideration” section:

A FHIR test tool is planned for development in 2023.

The following specifications are being retired to allow implementers to concentrate on the FHIR IG that has been created to support the Birth/Fetal Death reporting requirements.  There are no current or planned standards development activity within NCHS; which may no longer be in use, or which should not be considered for use for these specifications.:

  • HL7® Version 2.6 Implementation Guide: Birth and Fetal Death Reporting, Release 1 STU Release 2 (US Realm - Standard for Trial Use)
  • HL7 CDA® R2 Implementation Guide: Birth and Fetal Death Reporting, Release 1, STU Release 2 - US Realm

Retirement of the v2 and CDA standards

The HL7 Public Health Work Group has officially retired the v2 and and CDA implementation guides. These should be removed from this list as implementers should focus on the FHIR standard.

WA State Department of Health Live Birth and Fetal Death

Washington State Department of Health appreciates having the standards listed on the “Reporting Birth and Fetal Death to Public Health Agencies” page and does not have any new standards to recommend. We do have some comments about the standards listed:  

  • It appears that some specific details are still under development. 

  • Live birth - From the IJE mapping section, the following fields in the current IJE files will not be in the birth transmissions: VOID, MATCH, MAGER, FAGER, MAGE_CALC, FAGE_CALC, MOM_OC_T, MOM_OC_C, DAD_OC_C, DAD_OC_C, MOM_IN_T, MOM_IN_C, DAD_IN_T, DAD_IN_C, SSN_CITIZEN_CD, SSN_MULT_BTH_CD, SSN_FEEDBACK, SSN_BRTH_CRT_NO, MARITAL_DESCRIP, REPLACE. Is this correct? There appear to be broken links, such as to the observation/pregnancy risk factor definitions. And the 5 minute APGAR score 

  • Fetal Death  - From the IJE mapping section, the following fields in the current IJE files will not be in the birth transmissions: VOID, MATCH, R_YR, R_MO, R_DY, MAGER, FAGER, HSV1, HIV, ALCOHOL, ALIAS, LONG_D, LAT_D, LONG, LAT, MAGE_CALC, FAGE_CALC, MOM_OC_T, MOM_OC_C, DAD_OC_T, DAD_OC_C, MOM_IN_T, MOM_IN_C, DAD_IN_T, DAD_IN_C, INFORMFST, INFORMMID, INFORMLST, INFORMRELATE, REPLACE. Is this correct? 

WA State Department of Health Birth and Fetal Death Comments

  • Washington State Department of Health appreciates having the standards listed on the “Reporting Birth and Fetal Death to Public Health Agencies” page and does not have any new standards to recommend. We do have some comments about the standards listed:
    • It appears that some specific details are still under development.
    • Live birth
      • From the IJE mapping section, the following fields in the current IJE files will not be in the birth transmissions: VOID, MATCH, MAGER, FAGER, MAGE_CALC, FAGE_CALC, MOM_OC_T, MOM_OC_C, DAD_OC_C, DAD_OC_C, MOM_IN_T, MOM_IN_C, DAD_IN_T, DAD_IN_C, SSN_CITIZEN_CD, SSN_MULT_BTH_CD, SSN_FEEDBACK, SSN_BRTH_CRT_NO, MARITAL_DESCRIP, REPLACE. Is this correct?
      • There appear to be broken links, such as to the observation/pregnancy risk factor definitions. And the 5 minute APGAR score
    • Fetal Death
      • From the IJE mapping section, the following fields in the current IJE files will not be in the birth transmissions: VOID, MATCH, R_YR, R_MO, R_DY, MAGER, FAGER, HSV1, HIV, ALCOHOL, ALIAS, LONG_D, LAT_D, LONG, LAT, MAGE_CALC, FAGE_CALC, MOM_OC_T, MOM_OC_C, DAD_OC_T, DAD_OC_C, MOM_IN_T, MOM_IN_C, DAD_IN_T, DAD_IN_C, INFORMFST, INFORMMID, INFORMLST, INFORMRELATE, REPLACE. Is this correct?

HIMSS Comments on Subsection II-R

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is pleased to submit these comments for consideration by ONC to update the Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA). These comments are one set in a series of comments that HIMSS has and will prepare to review the updates to the new web-based version of the ISA. More comments addressing other elements of this resource are forthcoming. For more information on previous comments, please visit the HIMSS website.

HIMSS recommends that Interoperability Need “Reporting Birth Defects to Public Health Agencies” in Subsection II-R be rephrased and expanded to “Reporting Newborn Birth, Health and Death to Public Health Agencies”. HIMSS has provided the attached information as a suggested expansion of the standards and specifications included in this section.

Subsection II-R New Interop Need Table_HIMSS.pdf