
NCPDP Comment

NCPDP recommends removing NCPDP SCRIPT Standard, Implementation Guide, Version 2022011, as this version was never implemented. NCPDP SCRIPT Standard Implementation Guide, Version 2023011 is the next version named by ASTP/ONC and Medicare. Federally required should be changed to a Yes for the NCPDP SCRIPT Standard Implementation Guide, Version 2023011.

NCPDP Comment

  1. NCPDP recommends that ONC update NCPDP SCRIPT Standard, Implementation Guide, Version 2017071 to Federally Required.
  2. NCPDP recommends that ONC update NCPDP Formulary and Benefits Standard, Version 3 to Federally Required with an Adoption Level of 4.
    1. This version is federally required but does not allow a prescriber to request/cancel a prior authorization but allows them to see if the drug requires a prior authorization.
  3. NCPDP recommends that ONC sunset the following:
    1. NCPDP Formulary and Benefits Standard, Version 53
    2. NCPDP Formulary and Benefits Standard, Version 54
    3. NCPDP Formulary and Benefits Standard, Version 55
  4. NCPDP recommends that ONC add the following:

Type- Implementation Specification

Standard Implementation/Specification- NCPDP Formulary and Benefits Standard, Version 60

Standards Process Maturity – Final

Implementation Maturity- Pilot

Adoption Level – 1

Federally Required – No

Cost – $

Test Tool Availability – No

Pharmacy HIT Collaborative (PHIT) comment

PHIT supports NCPDP’s recommendation updating NCPDP SCRIPT Standard, Implementation Guide, Version 2017071 to Federally Required; update NCPDP Formulary and Benefits Standard, Version 3 to Federally Required with an adoption level of 4; sunsetting NCPDP Formulary and Benefit Standard Versions 53, 54, and 55; and adding NCPDP Formulary and Benefit Standard Version 60.

NCPDP Comments

NCPDP supports ONC’s recommendations.

NCPDP Comment

  1. Update Implementation Maturity to Production (as of 1/1/2020).

NCPDP Comment

  1. Title should say: “Allows a Prescriber to Request, Cancel or Appeal Prior Authorization for Medications”.
  2. NCPDP SCRIPT 2013101 should have:
    1. an adoption level of 3.
    2. Modify testing tool availability to Yes


  1. Add the following:

Type-Implementation Specification

Standard Implementation/Specification- NCPDP SCRIPT Standard, Implementation Guide, Version 2017071

Standards Process Maturity – Final

Implementation Maturity- Pilot

Adoption Level – 1

Federally Required – No

Cost – $

Test Tool Availability – Yes.


Pharmacy HIT Collaborative's Comments on ONC's Proposed 2018 ISA

The Pharmacy HIT Collaborative supports the move to NCPDP SCRIPT Version 2017071 as soon as participants can reasonably be ready to implement such a change. The Collaborative supports theuse of NCPDP SCRIPT Standard, Implementation Guide Version 2013101.

NCPDP - Comment on Version 10.6

    • The adoption level should be modified to a 2.
    • Under Limitations, Dependencies, and Preconditions for Consideration add the following:
      • The following transactions need to be implemented for interoperability purposes:
        • PAInitiationRequest and PAInitiationResponse
        • PARequest and PAResponse
        • PAAppealRequest and PAAppealResponse
        • PACancelRequest and PACancelResponse
      • Both the prescriber and the payer/processor/pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) must have their systems configured for the transaction in order to facilitate successful exchange.
    • Under Applicable Security Patterns for Consideration add the following:
      • Secure Communication – create a secure channel for client-to- serve and server-to-server communication.
      • Secure Message Router – securely route and enforce policy on inbound and outbound messages without interruption of delivery.
      • Authentication Enforcer – centralized authentication processes.
      • Authorization Enforcer – specifies access control policies.
      • Credential Tokenizer – encapsulate credentials as a security token for reuse (e.g., – SAML, Kerberos).
      • Assertion Builder – define processing logic for identity, authorization and attribute statements.
      • User Role – identifies the role asserted by the individual initiating the transaction.
      • Purpose of Use - Identifies the purpose for the transaction.