ONC has made the following technical resources available for developers and implementers of health IT. Have more questions? Our Regulatory FAQs are a great source of additional information about these topics.
Consolidated CDA (C-CDA)
This presentation walks you through the basic concepts of the Health Level 7 (HL7) C-CDA standard and how it can be used to meet 2014 Edition EHR Certification Criteria in support of Meaningful Use Stage 2. It reviews core features of the standard, requirements placed upon the use of the standard by certification criteria, and the nuts and bolts of how testing is performed for these certification criteria.
View, Download, and Transmit
EHR Vendor Support for Meaningful Use Stage 2 Certification and Implementation [PDF - 8.2 MB]: This presentation walks you through the basic concepts of the View, Download and Transmit (VDT) requirements in meaningful use and reviews core elements of testing (such as how testing for VDT compares to testing for Transitions of Care (TOC)). We also provide an overview of Blue Button Plus and explain how implementers can meet the VDT requirements.
Blue Button Plus [PDF - 2.8 MB]: Learn how Blue Button Plus helps you achieve the V/D/T requirement. The presentation also shares information about the Blue Button Anchor Bundle, which makes it easier for providers to meet attestation requirements by efficiently exchanging trust anchors.
Transitions of Care
Key Considerations for Health Information Organizations VDT [PDF - 492 KB]: The most recent key considerations document provides Health Information Exchange Organizations (HIOs) with expanded information about approaches to support the three patient electronic access measures in Stage 2.
Meaningful Use Education Module: Transitions of Care: This education module covers “transitions of care” from both a meaningful use and EHR technology certification perspective. It walks you through the requirements for the meaningful use “transitions of care” objective and measures as well as their relationship to EHR technology certification.
Direct Basics for Meaningful Use Stage 2 Transitions of Care [PDF - 4.3 MB]: This presentation walks you through the basic concepts of the Direct Project specification (the Applicability Statement for Secure Health Transport), begins to touch on a few of the more advanced concepts related to Direct implementations, and reviews core elements of certification testing for Direct as well as pre-certification resources that vendors can use to prepare.
Direct Implementation Guidelines to Assure Security and Interoperability [PDF - 410 KB]: These guidelines offer a common set of policies and practices to ensure Direct is implemented in a way that will support vendor to vendor exchange and interoperability across geographic, organizational and vendor-related boundaries.
Scalable Trust for Direct [PDF - 2.4 MB]: This presentation walks you through scalable trust for Direct: what it is, why it matters, how it relates to HISP accreditation, and how it is facilitated by trust bundle exchange.
Understanding and Leveraging MU Stage 2 Optional Transports [PDF - 1.8 MB]: This presentation walks you through the transport requirements and options and describes how vendors and their customers can benefit from their adoption.
SOAP + XDR/XDM Deep Dive [PDF - 4.3 MB]: This presentation walks through key implementation guide elements, considerations for using the standard as edge protocol with Direct and considerations for cross vendor exchange.
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