Consumer Empowerment

The Consumer Empowerment Workgroup provided recommendations on policy issues and opportunities for strengthening the ability of consumers, patients, and lay caregivers to manage health and health care for themselves or others. Examples of issues covered included patient generation of their health data, incorporating patient preferences into care plans, and new types/sources of patient data.

Member List


Bechtel Health Advisory Group


Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Greenway Medical Technologies
Engaging Patient Strategy
San Francisco State University
Society for Participatory Medicine
Columbia University
George Washington University
The Children’s Partnership
Mighty Casey Media LLC
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
Savage & Savage LLC
Patient and Caregiver Advocate
Wittie, Letsche & Waldo LLP
H4Y Corp

Ex Officios

HHS/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
HHS/National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute
Veterans Health Administration
HHS/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Staff Leads