"health information exchange" Posts

Portrait of Kathryn Marchesini

Meaningful Choice: Patient-Centered Decision Making in Electronic Health Information Exchange

Kathryn Marchesini | October 3, 2012

Health Care Providers, Key Agents of Trust for Patients
A key purpose for developing a secure private computer network in the health care industry is establishing the capability for health care providers to access and share patient health information electronically and securely over the Internet to support patient care, often referred to as a health information exchange (HIE).

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Portrait of Lee Stevens

Disaster Preparedness and Health Information Exchange

Lee Stevens | September 24, 2012

Last month, we watched with great concern as Hurricane Isaac approached the Louisiana coast. By an almost unbelievable coincidence, it was raging toward New Orleans and expected to hit on the exact day of the 7th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the precedent-setting natural disaster of our time. While there was much confidence in new levees and improvement to infrastructure, we were once again reminded that man cannot battle nature, we can only prepare.

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Portrait of David Muntz

Health Information Exchange: From Standards to Practice

David Muntz | September 13, 2012

The recent release of the Stage 2 Meaningful Use final rule includes an important requirement: Health care providers should be able to exchange information electronically using his or her electronic health record (EHR). By 2014, a provider attesting to Meaningful Use Stage 2 should be able use their EHR to share an electronic copy of a care summary and relevant documentation with another provider, regardless of which vendor produced the EHR that either is using.

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Portrait of Brett Andriesen

Bright Spots of the Direct Project Adoption

Brett Andriesen | June 18, 2012

Reflect for a moment on the last time your doctor referred you to a specialist. When you arrived, did the specialist say, “Sorry, I did not get your paperwork, can you tell me why you are you here?” Wouldn’t it be great if your specialist already had the health information she needed before you arrived, so you did not have to remember your medications, previous tests, and diagnoses? 

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