"care coordination" Posts

Portrait of Donna Mazyck

Health IT helps school nurses coordinate care for children

Donna Mazyck | May 8, 2014

Imagine this: A third grade boy diagnosed with Sickle-cell disease wakes up during the night experiencing severe pain in his chest.  His father alerts the pediatrician that he and his son are on their way to the emergency department (ED) of a hospital near their home. The pediatrician phones the ED to say her patient will arrive soon. The boy receives treatment in the ED and is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute chest syndrome.

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Portrait of Judy Murphy

Celebrating National Nurses Week 2014

Judy Murphy | May 5, 2014

As a nurse, I am excited to kick off National Nurses Week at the ONC with this post.  Nurses have always played a special role in health care, and no year has highlighted that more than this one.  Today, nurses are found in inimitable roles throughout the health care continuum, often serving as the coordinator of care.  This is true in health IT as well – nurses are often found coordinating IT projects and playing pivotal roles in its adoption and use.

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Portrait of Erica Galvez

HIE Bright Spots: MRSA Prevention Through Care Coordination – Part 4

Erica Galvez | April 9, 2013

Over the last several weeks we have been following Larry (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), a patient with diabetes and a history of non-compliance.  Because Larry’s primary care providers either do not have EHRs or other care coordination tools or are unable to exchange information between one another, they do not know that he had been hospitalized and instructed to make important changes in his medications. 

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