Portrait of Wil Yu ,

Reducing Hospital Readmissions Through Ensuring Safe Transitions

Wil Yu | November 14, 2011

The fact that nearly one in five patients discharged from a hospital will be readmitted within 30 days may be surprising to some, but it’s encouraging to know that many of these readmissions can be prevented simply by improving communication and coordination between patients, caregivers, hospitals, nursing homes, and other care settings at the time of the discharge. Addressing this communications gap is an ideal opportunity for health IT to play a meaningful role in improving the lives and health of patients throughout the country.

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Portrait of Parmeeth M.S. Atwal ,

Better Diabetes Management with EHRs Allows Patient to Spend More Time with Family

Parmeeth M.S. Atwal | November 10, 2011

An Army veteran and retired teacher, Donald Jones enjoys riding his bike, swimming with his kids, and hitting the road with his wife in their RV… despite having diabetes. What’s his secret? Mr. Jones sees a doctor who uses health information technology (health IT). He can check his latest test results from the living room couch,

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