Announcing the 2014 Meaningful Use Objectives Quick Reference Grids

Steven Posnack and Elizabeth S. Holland | November 6, 2012

Almost 2 years ago, ONC released meaningful use quick reference grids to capture—in one place—how meaningful use Stage 1 objectives and measures correlated with adopted 2011 Edition EHR certification criteria.  We’re pleased to announce the 2014 versions of these grids, which are back by popular demand, and posted on (look under the “ONC Resources” heading).

2014 Meaningful Use Quick Reference Grids

This time around, because there are two meaningful use stages to which the single set of

2014 Edition EHR certification criteria apply, there are, you guessed it, two quick reference grids:

  1. Stage 1 objectives and measures linked to 2014 Edition EHR certification criteria [PDF – 445 KB]
  2. Stage 2 objectives and measures linked to 2014 Edition EHR certification criteria [PDF – 510 KB]

Similar to the “original,” each meaningful use quick reference grid follows the same format:

  • The first two columns reference meaningful use objectives and measures and serve as the anchor around which the rest of the grid is organized.
  • The asterisks to the left of the objectives listed indicate whether the meaningful use objective is applicable to eligible professionals (EPs) only, eligible hospitals (EH) and critical access hospitals (CAHs) only, or all of the above.
  • The core set objectives and measures are listed first followed by the menu set objectives and measures.
  • The third and forth columns reference the certification criteria that correlate with each meaningful use objective and measure, and the standard(s) and implementation specifications referred to by each certification criterion, where applicable.

I hope you find these meaningful use objectives quick reference grids as useful (and hopefully timesaving) as we do.

For More Information