Introducing Leidos as a new ONC-Authorized Testing Laboratory (ONC-ATL)
Asara Clark | May 11, 2022
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) is pleased to announce that Leidos, Inc. (Leidos) has been granted status as an ONC-Authorized Testing Laboratory (ONC-ATL) in the ONC Health IT Certification Program (Program). Leidos now becomes one of four organizations to hold current ONC-ATL status alongside Drummond Group, ICSA Labs, and SLI Compliance.
ONC, in collaboration with the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) developed and maintains the Healthcare Information Technology Testing Laboratory Accreditation Program administered by NVLAP. NVLAP, as administered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is responsible for accrediting and overseeing health IT testing laboratories in the ONC Health IT Certification Program. Once accredited, ONC’s certification regulations (45 CFR 170.520(b)) require an organization seeking to test health IT in the ONC Health IT Certification Program to also complete and submit an application for approval to the National Coordinator. Leidos has successfully completed its application and has been approved for ONC authorization as an ONC-ATL to test all certification criteria adopted by the HHS Secretary under 45 CFR 170.315.
Additional information on the ONC-ATLs can be found on the ONC Health IT Certification Program’s webpage.