Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski | May 12, 2021
As we celebrate Women’s Health Week, we wanted to share some of the ways that ONC’s work directly impacts women of all ages, in every part of the country. ONC published a strategy in October 2020 that outlined federal health IT goals and objectives, with a focus on individuals’ access to their electronic health information. One step in achieving some of these goals is through the implementation of ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule, which advanced policies to improve the access,
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Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD | December 17, 2020
For health IT to benefit health and healthcare, it must be useable by – and useful to – patients and clinicians. This is precisely where the discipline of human factors and ergonomics (HFE) serves as an essential foundation for the development, implementation, and use of high-quality health information systems and practices. HFE improves overall performance through study of interactions among humans and other elements of a system.
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John Fleming | October 2, 2017
This week is National Health IT Week, a nationwide celebration of the value of health information technology (health IT). To kick things off, I wanted to take some time to talk about one of my main areas of focus. Since I joined the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), I have spent a lot of my time gaining insight about the challenges facing our healthcare system as it relates to health IT.
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