"health IT" Posts

Portrait of Fadesola Adetosoye

Student Immunization Records Are Easily Reviewable Thanks to Health IT

Fadesola Adetosoye | September 19, 2013

Many of us are still taking care of back to school obligations, including looking for our children’s immunization records. Now, with the wider use of health information technology, or health IT, parents can better manage their children’s health information and school nurses can use these electronic tools to help facilitate reviews of student immunization records.

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Portrait of Emily Jones

The Story Behind the Numbers: Best Practices for Adopting and Implementing Health IT

Emily Jones | September 19, 2013

There has been a dramatic increase in the adoption and use of electronic health records among healthcare providers and hospitals across the country.*  But the numbers don’t tell the whole story.  Behind the steep increase in electronic health record (EHR) adoption is the story of each provider and organization as they adopt and optimize health information technology (health IT).  What are the experiences of providers and organizations as they implement and optimize health IT? 

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Portrait of Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski

Fall Health IT Fellows: Leveraging Technology to Transform Their Practices

Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski | September 19, 2013

This is one in a series of blog posts to coincide with National Health IT Week. To follow the conversation on Twitter, look for the #NHITweek hashtag.
In August, we announced the first 28 Health IT Fellows, health care providers and office staff who are leaders in achieving meaningful use in their own offices and helping their colleagues. Joining that group of local champions for health IT is the Fall class,

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