ONC Seeking Nominations to the Health Information Technology Standards and Policy Committees
MacKenzie Robertson | May 31, 2012
ONC is seeking nominations to the Health Information Technology Standards and Policy Committees. All nominations must be submitted by Monday, June 11, 2012. For detailed instructions for submitting applications, please refer to the Federal Register Notice.
Health Information Technology Standards Committee
The Health Information Technology Standards Committee (HITSC) was established under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA) (P.L. 111-5), section 13101, new Section 3003. Members of the HITSC are appointed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and should come from a variety of relevant backgrounds including: providers, ancillary health care workers, consumers, purchasers, health plans, technology vendors, researchers, relevant Federal agencies, and individuals with technical expertise on health care quality, privacy and security, and on the electronic exchange and use of health information.
Nominations to the HITSC are Being Accepted for 10 Representative Members
Nominees for the HITSC should have experience promoting the meaningful use of health information technology and be knowledgeable of perspectives including those of:
- Small innovative health care providers,
- Providers participating in payment reform initiatives,
- Accountable care organizations,
- Pharmacists,
- Behavioral health professionals,
- Home health care,
- Purchaser or employer representatives,
- Patient safety,
- Health information technology security,
- “Big data,” consumer e-health,
- Personal health records, and
- Mobile health applications.
Health Information Technology Policy Committee
The Health Information Technology Policy Committee (HITPC) was established under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA) (P.L. 111-5), section 13101, new Section 3002. Members of the HITPC are appointed in the following way:
- 3 members are appointed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services;
- 4 members are appointed by Congress;
- 13 members are appointed by the Comptroller General of the United States; and
- Other Federal members are appointed by the President.
Nominations to the HITPC are being accepted for one of the three members appointed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Nominees for the HITPC should have experience promoting the meaningful use of health information technology and be knowledgeable about privacy and security issues related to health information.
Learn More about the HITSC and HITPC
Learn more about the ONC Federal Advisory Committees. We look forward to hearing from you on nominations to these committees!
For more information on health information technology, visit HealthIT.gov