
Peter Banks

Portrait of Peter Banks

Peter Banks's Latest Blog Posts

Liberating Immunization Data: How Indiana Is Empowering Individuals to Actively Engage in Their Own Health Care

Peter Banks | August 10, 2012

On July 23, Indiana announced the statewide rollout of MyVaxIndiana , a web-based program that allows individuals to access their immunization records. ONC’s Deputy National Coordinator for Policy and Programs Judy Murphy and the State Health Commissioner Gregory Larkin attended the event as well as other representatives from the provider and patient community.

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E-Prescribing Adoption: A Prescription for Progress

Peter Banks | May 11, 2012

Think about the last time you were prescribed a medication. Did your doctor fill out a prescription on a paper pad and instruct you to get the medication filled at your local pharmacy? If not, chances are that he or she electronically routed the prescription to your pharmacy. This process—called electronic prescribing or “e-prescribing”—is helping prescribers and pharmacists make better clinical decisions, improve workflow, reduce costs, and ultimately enhance patient care.

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State Health Information Exchange Grantees Take Part in the Consumer Innovation Challenge

Peter Banks | April 11, 2012

ONC recently issued the Consumer Innovation Challenge to State Health Information Exchange  grantees, building on the momentum of the ONC Pledge Program, to increase consumers’ access to their health information. Participating states will make concrete progress in the next six months to get electronic information into consumers’ hands so they can share it with family members and multiple providers who care for them and use it to improve their health and health care.

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