
Kory Mertz

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Kory Mertz's Latest Blog Posts

Georgia, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska Complete Consumer Innovation Challenge

Kory Mertz | March 29, 2013

In an effort to help consumers and patients get and use their own health information, the states of Georgia, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska took up an ONC challenge to implement innovative approaches to enable consumer-mediated exchange and open up patients’ access to their medical records.  Their innovative consumer engagement initiatives can be found at

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State Health Information Exchange Grantees Take Part in the Consumer Innovation Challenge

Kory Mertz | April 11, 2012

ONC recently issued the Consumer Innovation Challenge to State Health Information Exchange  grantees, building on the momentum of the ONC Pledge Program, to increase consumers’ access to their health information. Participating states will make concrete progress in the next six months to get electronic information into consumers’ hands so they can share it with family members and multiple providers who care for them and use it to improve their health and health care.

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