Submitted by mrallins on
The Regenstrief Institute applauds the addition of Reason for Referral as a data element in USCDI V3. We note that the association of Reason for Referral with the Procedures class can be confusing without having a clear definition for procedures as a data class. We also recommend including specific examples to clarify reason for referral concept so that the data element and the intent for its association with the procedures as a data class are clearly understood. Some examples of reason for referral include referral to social services, referral for pre-operative consultation. These examples will help the user understand the broad definition that procedures as a data class includes any type of activity that is performed with or on a patient as part of the provision of care.
Submitted by joshualegler on
Procedure Date/Time
Consider adding a data element for the date/time a procedure was performed.
This comment is submitted on behalf of the National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) Technical Assistance Center.