Type | Standard / Implementation Specification | Standards Process Maturity | Implementation Maturity | Adoption Level | Federally required | Cost | Test Tool Availability |
Standard for observations
Standard for observation values
Standard for observation values
Limitations, Dependencies, and Preconditions for Consideration |
Applicable Value Set(s) and Starter Set(s)
Submitted by pwilson@ncpdp.org on
NCPDP Comment
- Substance use fields are available in NCPDP SCRIPT Standard Version 2017071 to allow alcohol use information to be transmitted via SNOMED codes
- Add the following:
Type-Implementation Specification
Standard Implementation/Specification- NCPDP SCRIPT Standard, Implementation Guide, Version 2017071
Standards Process Maturity – Final
Implementation Maturity- Production
Adoption Level – 1
Federally Required – Yes
Cost – $
Test Tool Availability – Yes
- Include Test Tool Link: https://tools.ncpdp.org/erx/#/home
Submitted by mattreid on
The AMA requests that the…
The AMA requests that the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code set be added to the standards listed in Section I: Representing Alcohol Use. CPT codes 99408 and 99409 identify patient screening and intervention for alcohol abuse. CPT codes 8032-80322 identify testing for alcohol. CPT code 82075 identifies an alcohol breath test.
In addition, CPT Category II codes identify a patient screened for unhealthy alcohol use (3016F), patient counseled about risks of alcohol use (4158F), and patient counseled for pharmacologic treatment for alcohol dependence (4320F).
CPT is a comprehensive and regularly curated uniform language that accurately describes medical, surgical, and diagnostic services and provides for reliable communication among users. It has an extremely robust and mature development process with open and transparent meetings and clinical input from national medical specialties and relevant stakeholders. It is the most widely adopted outpatient procedure code set. Use of the CPT code set is federally required under HIPAA.
Submitted by pwilson@ncpdp.org on
NCPDP Comment
- The SubstanceUse fields will be available in NCPDP SCRIPT Standard Version 2017071 to allow alcohol use information to be transmitted via SNOMED codes.
Submitted by pwilson@ncpdp.org on
NCPDP Comment
- Alcohol Use reporting via SNOMED codes is available in the NCPDP SCRIPT Standard Version 2017071.
Type-Implementation Specification
Standard Implementation/Specification- NCPDP SCRIPT Standard, Implementation Guide, Version 2017071
Standards Process Maturity – Final
Implementation Maturity- Pilot
Adoption Level – 1
Federally Required – No
Cost – $
Test Tool Availability – Yes.
Submitted by cmcdonald on
Since this LOINC code and…
Since this LOINC code and answer set has been developed (30 behavior and functional status variables suggested by the IOM report and adopted for requirement in the last MU NPRM), the adoption level could now be very high.
Submitted by pwilson@ncpdp.org on
NCPDP - Comments
SNOMED – Not currently used in NCPDP MMA mandated standards. Future versions of the NCPDP SCRIPT standard support SNOMED.
Submitted by andersol on
Consider adding additional screening tools
The Joint Commission currently has 3 chart-abstracted quality measures screening for alcohol use and treatment (SUB-1, SUB-2/2a, and SUB-3/3a) that are used by The Joint Commission and CMS in quality reporting programs. We agree with inclusion of the Audit-C, as that is a validated screening tool for unhealthy alcohol use. However, we also think that the AUDIT tool should be included as well. This tool is also a validated survey instrument, and seems to be the most commonly used one for our chart-abstracted measures. LOINC currently has 72110-0 Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test [AUDIT] and 75624-7 Total Score [AUDIT]. In order for use, the rest of the questions from the survey instrument would need to be added in LOINC as well as the LOINC answer lists.
Submitted by Albert Taylor on
AUDIT 10-question panel
Thank you for your comment. We have added the full AUDIT panel code and the total score code. This does not imply any requirement for an EHR or other health IT system to capture the AUDIT test questions or total score, but we recognize that this test may currently be in use.
Submitted by pwilson@ncpdp.org on
NCPDP Comments
NCPDP supports the use of SNOMED CT.