Data Element


American Heart Association Supports Physical Activity Assessment

The American Heart Association supports the Physical Activity Alliance’s submission of the Physical Activity Status data element to standardize the assessment of physical activity (PA) into the U.S. Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI), including all four applicable standards addressing the components of aerobic and muscle strengthening PA. Each of these standards are validated in the peer-reviewed literature, are aligned with the 2018 U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and correlate with the appropriate LOINC codes in HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide development. Evidence suggests that in clinics that regularly assess PA as a vital sign, patients are more likely to be referred to exercise programming which is health-promoting and important for prevention and chronic disease management across the lifespan.  The AHA has been supporting the “It’s Time to Move” initiative by helping to convene experts, work with regulatory agencies, engage in the HL7 process, and manage the HL7 project work group calls for developing the Physical Activity FHIR Implementation Guide which will go to ballot in the May cycle.  We encourage ONC to include the entire PA data element in the final version 4 of USCDI.  If we can answer any further questions, please reach out to Paul Chase, Ph.D. ( or Laurie Whitsel, Ph.D. ( ).

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