
The Pharmacy HIT Collaborative supports the use of NCPDP SCRIPT

The Pharmacy HIT Collaborative supports the use of NCPDP SCRIPT Standard, Implementation Guide Versions 10.6, as well as the move to NCPDP SCRIPT Standards, Implementation Guide, Version 2017071 and HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide, US Meds STU2 as soon as participants can be ready to implement such a change. We also recommend including NCPDP SCRIPT Standard Implementation Guide Version 2013101.

NCPDP Comment on Version 10.6

NCPDP supports the naming of the SCRIPT standard for PDMP.

PDMP Medication History using NCPDP SRIPT v10.6

NCPDP SCRIPT v10.6 was piloted by the S&I Framework and shown to effectively allow a prescriber to inquire into a PDMP using NCPDP's SCRIPT RxHistory request transaction and receive a RxHistory response. It is recommended that this standard be named so that prescriber and pharmacy system vendors can enhance systems so that these entities can obtain PDMP patient information within workflow. SCRIPT version 2017071 has recently been named in a CMS NPRM for comment and includes recommended changes as a result of the 10.6 pilots.